H2IOSC is a pioneering project to create a collaborative cluster of European distributed research infrastructures involved in the humanities and cultural heritage sectors with operating nodes across Italy.
Through the enhancement and federation of CLARIN-IT, DARIAH-IT, E-RIHS.it and OPERAS-IT, the four Italian nodes of the European Research Infrastructures committed in the Social and Cultural Innovation domain, H2IOSC will provide researchers, businesses, and citizens with an open and multidisciplinary environment that enables access to advanced tools for conducting innovative and computationally intensive research on complex digital data and objects.
What we do

Landscaping and building communities
Detailed and extensive investigation of the panorama in the Social Science and Humanities domain, usually carried out through a survey to gather information concerning existing projects, resources, tools, communities, best practices, and standards in use

Data Centers
Bringing high-performance computing, trusted repositories and high-speed networking to support data driven Science in the Social Science and Humanities domain

An Online platform fostering discoverability and access to services, tools, datasets and other resources produced by the participating Research Infrastructures

Community Pilots
Development of Virtual Environments to support interdisciplinary research in the Humanities and Heritage Science

Provide users and researchers with high-quality training materials, support resources FAIRification, promote Open Science & Open Publishing cultures